Kingdom of Tonga – Radiospace
Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
Video Weavings Review 2007
Video Weavings Canvas
Solaris Series Videons
The Lone Breaker – Breakdance Cartoon
My First Video Experiences 1952
The End of Snow
Chief Video
Test Pattern Mandalas
Limited Edition Color Powder Xerographs
Water color paintings 1970-1980
Video Weavings on iPod
Optical Video Replicators
Mondo 2000
eHat 1.0
Music – Brain Soma
Music – Alive and Analog
Music: Zagreb Etudes
Rob Fisher (1927-2006)
Rob Fisher was a great friend and teacher as well as a master sculptor and consummate artist. I first met Rob at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, in 1967 when I was an undergraduate student there. He was one of my best teachers and collaborators in multimedia and light sculpture. His presence remains in his extensive body of work, though we miss his cordial, fun and engaging self since he passed on in 2006.
Wassily Kandinsky
Thomas Wilfred
Oscar Fishinger
Mary Ellen Bute
Whitney Brothers
Jordan Belson
Howard Klein
Howard Wise
Brice Howard
Paul Kauffman
Laurie Anderson
Queen Mu
Mitsuhiro Takemura
Nam June Paik (1936-2006)